


課題 **********

名詞句、名詞節の使い方を理解する。(テキスト348 - 371ページ)

補足 **********



I like soccer. (soccerという名詞がlikeの目的語)
I like to play soccer. (to play soccerという名詞句(不定詞句)が目的語)
I like playing soccer. (playing soccerという名詞句(現在分詞句)が目的語)
I like that you like me.  (that you like meという名詞節(that節)が目的語)

The most important thing in life is money. (moneyという名詞が補語)
The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in. -Morrie Schwartz (to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in という長い名詞句(不定詞句)(長くても名詞節ではありません)が補語)
The most important thing in life is having a child. (having a childという名詞句(現在分詞句)が補語)
The most important thing in life is that you are happy with yourself. (that you are happy with yourself という名詞節(that節)が補語)

Anything is possible. (anythingという名詞が主語)
To have fun with little money is possible. (to have fun with little moneyという名詞句(不定詞句)が主語)
Learning English is fun. (learning Englishという名詞句(現在分詞句)が主語)
That he forgot about the meeting is possible. (That he forgot about the meetingという名詞節(that節)が主語)

★ 以下の文中の名詞句・名詞節を抜きだしてください。
★ それぞれの名詞句・名詞節は「主語」「補語」「目的語」のどの役割を果たしていますか?
★ それぞれの名詞句・名詞節の部分だけを日本語にするとどうなりますか?

1) I don't understand what you are saying.
2) What you are saying makes no sense.
3) To love is to forgive.
4) I didn't know that today was your birthday.
5) Eating late at night is not very healthy.
6) Did the weather forecast say that it was going to rain today?
7) I enjoyed talking with you very much.
8) I forgot to lock the door.
9) I think that she loves me.
10) That your alarm clock didn't go off is not an excuse for being late to work.



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