

Lesson 1: 名詞




今週の日曜日はイースターなのでそれにちなんだ記事を使いたいと思います。イースターといえばなぜか「たまご」。私の今住んでいるアルゼンチンでもイースターにはチョコレートのたまご(Huevo de Pascua)を食べたり、ゆで卵がのっかったケーキ(Rosca de Pascua)を食べて祝います。なぜ「たまご」なのかの説明をした記事(Wikipedieaより)です。

※代名詞(it, one, this, etc.)、外国語(Mardi Gras, Pascha, hornazo)、動名詞(shedding, spoiling, etc.)ははぶきました。

1) まずは大文字で始まっている名詞(固有名詞)とそうでない名詞(普通名詞)に分けてください。
2) それぞれの名詞に複数形はありますか?ある場合、複数形はなんですか?
3) それぞれの名詞の意味はなんですか?英語では1つの単語がいろいろな意味を持っています。意味によって「数えられる名詞」(辞書ではcountableの[C]で表記)であったり、「数えられない名詞」(辞書ではuncountableの[U]で表記)であったりします。意味ごとに[C]か[U]かを確認してください。

The Easter egg tradition may also have merged into the celebration of the end of the privations of Lent in the West. Historically, it was traditional to use up all of the household's eggs before Lent began. Eggs were originally forbidden during Lent as well as on other traditional fast days in Western Christianity (this tradition still continues among the Eastern Christian Churches). Likewise, in Eastern Christianity, both meat and dairy are prohibited during the Lenten fast, and eggs are seen as "dairy" (a foodstuff that could be taken from an animal without shedding its blood). This established the tradition of Pancake Day being celebrated on Shrove Tuesday. This day, the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday when Lent begins, is also known as Mardi Gras, a French phrase which translates as "Fat Tuesday" to mark the last consumption of eggs and dairy before Lent begins.

In the Orthodox Church, Great Lent begins on Clean Monday, rather than Wednesday, so the household's dairy products would be used up in the preceding week, called Cheesefare Week. During Lent, since chickens would not stop producing eggs during this time, a larger than usual store might be available at the end of the fast if the eggs had not been allowed to hatch. The surplus, if any, had to be eaten quickly to prevent spoiling. Then, with the coming of Easter, Pascha the eating of eggs resumes.

One would have been forced to hard boil the eggs that the chickens produced so as not to waste food, and for this reason the Spanish dish hornazo (traditionally eaten on and around Easter) contains hard-boiled eggs as a primary ingredient. In Hungary, Easter eggs are used sliced in potato casseroles around the Easter period.



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